On Friday’s Today show, host Matt Lauer took New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg to task over his plan to ban large sugary drinks in restaurants, yet still participating in “National Donut Day”.

“It is National Donut Day and your administration has come out in support of National Donut Day. It sounds ridiculous,” Lauer opined.

“It doesn’t sound ridiculous; one donut is not going to hurt you,” Bloomberg countered. “In moderation, most things are okay. Number two, think about what National Donut Day is. National Donut Day celebrates a lot of young ladies during World War I called ‘donut lassies’ who went and gave donuts to our soldiers while they were fighting to protect democracy. I’ll stand behind it.”

(Source: NBC News and Mediaite.com)

Matt Lauer Grills NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg Over Banning Sodas

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