When Paul Rudd’s car broke down on his way to the airport, he didn’t do what most celebrities would do. He didn’t call for a cab, or a car service, or even a friend to come help him out. He stuck his thumb out and hoped for the best. He shared this story on ‘Late Show’ for a very specific reason.

A young woman named Allie Brown pulled over and let this strange man into his car, and help him make it to the airport in time to make his flight. So, Rudd wanted to do something to thank her, but he wanted to make sure it was something special and memorable.

He considered a walk-on role in a film, but said he didn’t have that kind of pull. So instead, he got her a walk-on role in his interview with David Letterman. It’s a sweet story, and a cute set-up for the good samaritan who indeed walked onto the stage and gave a little curtsy.

(Source: CBS)

Paul Rudd Thanks Woman Who Picked Him Up Hitchhiking

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