On Wednesday night’s edition of “The Colbert Report,” host Stephen Colbert presented an education-themed version of his recurring “The Word” segment. Entitled “Meducation,” it examined the shortage of teachers our nation is currently facing, and discussed the fact that some doctors recommend higher doses of medication for students as a solution.

U.S. students, said Colbert, “rank 31st in math, behind South Korea, Estonia and Luxembourg, which would really hurt their feelings if they weren’t also behind in geography.”

According to an ABC News report, “Black children living in disadvantaged neighborhoods fall behind the equivalent of one year or more of schooling simply because of where they live.”

“The problem is,” said Colbert, “our public schools lack the resources to succeed. Thanks to funding cuts, many classrooms’ alphabets only go up to ‘r.’”

If we want our students to do better, he said, we have to invest in schools, hire more teachers and provide more resources.

“In other words,” he quipped, “they’re screwed.”

(Source: Comedy Central and RawStory.com)

Stephen Colbert Says Prescription Drugs are Poor Kids’ Only Hope in School

| Late Night, Video | 1 Comment

1 Comment

  • Annie Miller

    It’s true that to make students better, funding should be given to them. I believe the government should act accordingly and do something about it before it’s too late.

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