Ann Romney visited The Tonight Show Tuesday, where she and Jay Leno talked about a number of issues, including her recent reaction to her husband’s Republican critics.

First, she spoke about having made an emergency landing in Denver after the plane she was in filled with smoke. After the incident, her husband had joked that it’s a shame the windows on planes don’t roll down — a joke she explained as his way of coping with his worry and panic over her safety.

She then shared that she’d been worried that she was “a little strong” in her remarks to her husband’s critics, but has since gotten lots of “high fives” from people grateful with her comments. Ann also revealed that, four years ago, she’d made a video for her husband saying she never wanted to go through a campaign again… only to have her husband point out she’d said the same thing after each of their five sons.

(Source: NBC-TV and

Ann Romney: “Four Years Ago, I Made Mitt A Video Saying ‘Never Again'”

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