In a rambling bizarre radio interview with 9/11 truther Alex Jones, who seemed to to defend Sheen, the troubled actor claimed that he was 100% clean and ranted about everyone from “Two and a Half Men” creator Chuck Lorre to Alcoholics Anonymous, Thomas Jefferson, and his ex-wives. He told the “losers” who attack him to […]

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Glenn Beck apologized for comparing Reform Judaism to “radicalized Islam,” saying on his radio show that he had made “one of the worst analogies of all time.” Beck made the analogy on his Tuesday show. Reform rabbis, he said, “are generally political in nature. It’s almost like Islam, radicalized Islam in a way.” His comparison […]

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Charlie Sheen, the troubled star of CBS’ “Two and a Half Men,” made positive comments about the casual use of illegal drugs in an interview with TV personality Dan Patrick, which may not sit so well with some viewers and advertisers. In the radio interview, Sheen endorsed the use of crack cocaine. The actor said […]

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After being derided and charged with trafficking in wild conspiracy theories, Glenn Beck redoubled his warnings that the uprisings in Egypt could lead to an Islamic caliphate spreading across the Middle East on his radio show Thursday. Beck has come under criticism for his doomsday vision of the potential fallout from the Egyptian revolution. He […]

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Rush Limbaugh referred to President Obama as a “pharaoh” while speaking about the Egyptian revolution on his radio show. Had President Bush still been in office, he said, everyone would be asking why Bush hadn’t seen the uprising coming. “Well, the same question needs to be asked about Pharaoh Obama,” he said. “Why didn’t the […]

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Glenn Beck exploded at Chris Matthews for saying that Rep. Michelle Bachmann’s bizarre claim that the Founding Fathers “worked tirelessly to end slavery.” Matthews noted that, besides the fact that many of the founders owned slaves, and that slavery only ended nearly a hundred years after the founding of America, slavery was also protected in […]

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Don Imus slammed Rachel Maddow on his Fox Business Network show for not defending Keith Olbermann immediately after the news broke that he would be leaving MSNBC. Appearing on Bill Maher’s HBO show Friday, just after the Olbermann news broke, Maddow said “I know very little about it. All I know is that it was […]

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Glenn Beck responded to charges that he is anti-Semitic on the same day that 400 rabbis took out a full-page newspaper ad calling for him to be “sanctioned” for his repeated invocations of Nazis and the Holocaust. Speaking on his radio show, Beck did not directly address the rabbis’ letter, which urged News Corp. CEO […]

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Glenn Beck responded to the media coverage of his years-long attacks on leftist professor Frances Fox Piven by mocking the New York Times’ article about the issue and accusing Piven once again of making violent threats. Speaking on his radio show, Beck and his co-hosts responded to the controversy by mocking the Times for quoting […]

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Conservative radio talker Rush Limbaugh accused Fox News of “slobbering all over” President Obama’s Tuscon speech. He added that the Fox News panel was only so laudatory because the speech was “all the things the educated ruling class wants their members to be and sound like.” Appearing on ‘Special Report With Bret Baier’ Fox News […]

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