Kathleen Parker, the co-host of the CNN show “Parker Spitzer” with ex-New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer, will be dumped any day now, The New York Post learned last night.
“There is no doubt in the world they are going to replace her,” a show insider said.
“It’s beyond whispers — it’s a hot and heavy discussion,” the source added.
CNN has already picked two potential replacements for Parker, a Pulitzer Prize-winning conservative columnist with The Washington Post.
The favorite to land the chair next to Spitzer is E.D. Hill. She’s a former Fox News anchor and co-host of “Fox and Friends.”
FACING THE AX: Kathleen Parker, ex-New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer’s CNN co-host, will soon be getting the boot, sources say.
CNN/Lorenzo Bevilaqua
FACING THE AX: Kathleen Parker, ex-New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer’s CNN co-host, will soon be getting the boot, sources say.
Hill was pulled from Fox in the wake of the controversy surrounding her describing a celebratory fist-bump between Michelle and then-Sen. Barack Obama as a “terrorist fist jab” after an Obama primary victory in 2008.
She may have been auditioning last month when she filled in as a guest host for Parker.
The other name being tossed around is Will Cain, a writer for National Review, who is a frequent guest on Fox News.
“Parker Spitzer” debuted in October to dismal ratings and has been plagued by in-fighting.
The Post exclusively reported last month that Parker stormed off the set after complaining that Spitzer dominated the nightly gab-fest.
Things haven’t gotten any better on the set since that hissy-fit, the sources said.
“She’s been openly threatening to quit,” a source said last night.
But, insiders added, the show’s producers love the job Spitzer has been doing for the show.
“They’re standing behind Eliot,” a source said. “They really like him.”
The sources earlier called Spitzer — who once famously described himself as a “f – – – ing steamroller” who would crush his political opponents — as “smart” and “tenacious” and said that he’s “turned out better” than they expected.
Staffers griped that Parker seemed like a wilting flower next to the hard-charging former state attorney general, who resigned as governor in 2008 after admitting he patronized a high-price hooker ring.
CNN spokeswoman Barbara Levin refused to address the pending shake-up.
“We don’t comment on speculation,” she said.