Glenn Beck ran into quite the debacle today as a photo of him holding a gun was randomly generated behind an anti-violence post.
Glenn Beck is trending like crazy after a photo of him holding a gun was randomly generated by his website. The kicker here is that Beck had just published an article stating “We must stand together against all violence.” Woops, someone get a hold of the webmaster as last time I checked guns were rather violent.
Of course someone just so happened to visit Glenn Beck’s website and took a screenshot of the rather hypocritical accident. Since then it has spread via Twitter like wildfire, sparking quite the controversy, given the recent Arizona shooting that took place.
Guns are not violent. They are inanimate objects. Guns are no more violent than a rock. They require a person to use them in a violent manner.
With that reasoning, the following is therefore also true:
Nuclear bombs are not violent. They are inanimate objects. Nuclear bombs are no more violent than a rock. They require a person/nation to use them in a violent manner.
Just saying…
You guys have to be kidding! Upset over that pic? Can’t you see it’s a spoof on James Bond or any of the 100’s of cop shows on tv.
I am definitely NOT someone who believes in violence to get my point across but I did serve in the US military and I do own a gun for home protection. And I WILL use it if someone attacks me or my family! So yes, it’s possible to be peaceful and to also defend oneself.
If everyone kept their nose clean and lived a decent life such as I, they wouldn’t need or worry about a gun for protection. Hey, I’m doing just fine and have been for the past 70 years. Just worry about how I can make a little more money. lol